Sexual Harassment has been an age long problem due to the unequal socialization of the male and female genders. In most cases females are the victims of sexual harassment, although any one can be victim.
In some contexts, people who occupy positions of authority sometimes abuse the trust reposed in them and take improper advantage of those who either work with them or depend/relate to them for services.
The Commission is therefore delighted to introduce this important policy document to address the issues of workplace Sexual Harassment. In developing this Policy, the Commission also took into consideration a template that is easily adaptable by other stakeholders required under the NACAP to have in place Sexual Harassment Policies to curb harassment that result from abuse of power.
The Commission’s Sexual Harassment Policy has taken into consideration the various forms of workplace harassment, intimidation, and exploitation. It also addresses the issue of retaliation. It proceeds not only from the human rightsbased approach, but also from purely ethical and anti-corruption viewpoint of abuse of office and trust. The policy is directed at Commission members and staff as well as clients, users of the Commission’s services and persons who are given lawful access to the Commission.
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