Officials of the Ghana West Africa Program to Combat AIDS and STI (WAPCAS) have donated computers and accessories to the Commission on Human Rights and Administrative Justice (CHRAJ).
The items which included one laptop computer, ten desktop computers, ten Uninterruptible Power Supply Systems, and eleven printers were handed over to the Commission under the Global Fund NFM II project to support its work in relation to human rights interventions.
The five main intervention areas with specific activities are stigma and discrimination, training health care providers on human rights and medical ethics related to HIV and TB, legal literacy – Know your rights, HIV and TB related legal services/sensitization of law makers and law enforcement agents, reducing HIV – related gender discrimination, harmful gender norms and violence against women and girls in all their diversity.
Earlier, a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was signed between CHRAJ and WAPCAS on the Implementation of the Commission’s activities under the Human Rights Programme of the Global Fund NFM II Grant of Ghana over a one year period.
The purpose for the MOU is to provide a framework for collaboration under the Global Fund Human Rights component and to clearly outline roles, responsibilities and deliverables for WAPCAS and CHRAJ, within the period of implementation under the Global Fund NFM II.
In the current Global Fund NFM II grant (2018 – 2020) for Ghana, WAPCAS is the Public Relations (PR) wing for the Human Rights (HR) component of the grant and most of the activities proposed under the HR interventions are designed to be integrated into existing programmes except a few.
Key responsibilities on the part of CHRAJ would be to support the HR activities to be implemented by WAPCAS, and to share technical reports on reported cases (S&D system & abuse diaries) to WAPCAS, while WAPCAS takes responsibility for the funding of activities, provision of technical assistance, and periodic monitoring of field activities.
However, it is expected that activities like monitoring visit to the district offices of CHRAJ, writing of joint evaluation reports, and organization of quarterly meetings would be jointly performed by both CHRAJ and WAPCAS.
The MOU which was signed by Commissioner of CHRAJ, Mr. Joseph Whittal and witnessed by CHRAJ’s HIV Focal Person, Mr. Cephas Essilful-Ansah on one hand, and Executive Director of WAPCAS, Mrs. Comfort Asamoah-Adu, and witnessed by the Finance and Grant Manager of WAPCAS, Mr. Frederick Arthur on the other hand, focuses mainly on CHRAJ’s head office, and ten out of ninety seven of its district offices.